Metal Roofing

High-Quality Metal Roofing

A Durable, Stylish, & Sustainable Choice

Welcome to C Golke Metals, your premier destination for high-quality metal roofing solutions in Waupaca, WI, and beyond. We understand that your roof is more than just a protective covering—it’s a vital component of your property’s structural integrity, energy efficiency, and curb appeal. That’s why we’re proud to offer a comprehensive range of metal roofing options designed to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.

Types Of Metal Roofing

  • 1″ or 1 1/2″ Double Lock Mechanical Standing Seam – non-exposed fastener – Striation or beads available – 24 gauge and 26 gauge steel options
  • Pole Barn Style Roofing – 28 gauge – exposed Fastener
  • R-Panel – 26 gauge – industrial style wide variety of color choices for both types of roofing options

Protect & Enhance Your Property

The Benefits of Metal Roofing

  • Exceptional Durability

    Metal roofs are renowned for their longevity and resilience. Crafted from robust materials such as steel, aluminum, or copper, they can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, hail, and high winds. With proper maintenance, a metal roof can last 50 years or more, providing long-term peace of mind and value for your investment. Along with a 35-40 year paint warranty.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Metal roofing reflects solar radiant heat, helping to keep your property cooler in the summer and reducing your reliance on air conditioning. This energy-efficient feature can lead to lower utility bills and a more comfortable indoor environment year-round.

  • Versatility in Design

    From sleek standing seam panels to classic and tiles, metal roofing offers a wide array of styles, colors, and finishes to suit any architectural aesthetic. Whether you prefer the timeless appeal of traditional materials or the modern elegance of contemporary design, there's a metal roofing solution to enhance the beauty and character of your property.

  • Low Maintenance

    Unlike traditional roofing materials such as asphalt shingles, metal roofs require minimal maintenance to keep them looking and performing their best. They are resistant to issues like rotting, cracking, and warping, and they won't attract mold, mildew, or pests. Periodic inspections and basic cleaning are typically all that's needed to maintain the integrity and appearance of your metal roof.

  • Environmentally Friendly

    Metal roofing is a sustainable choice for environmentally-conscious consumers. Many metal roofing materials are made from recycled materials, and they are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Additionally, their energy-efficient properties can contribute to reduced energy consumption and lower carbon emissions over time.


C Golke Industries metal roofing

Why Choose C Golke Metals for Your Metal Roofing Needs?

At C Golke Metals, we’re dedicated to providing top-quality metal roofing solutions and exceptional customer service. When you choose us for your metal roofing project, you can expect:

  • Expert Guidance

    Our knowledgeable team will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and recommend the best metal roofing options for your property.

  • Professional Installation

    We take pride in our craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our experienced installers will ensure that your metal roof is installed correctly, efficiently, and to the highest standards of quality.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    Your satisfaction is our priority. We strive to deliver a seamless experience from start to finish, providing clear communication, reliable service, and results that exceed your expectations.

Experience the durability, style, and sustainability of metal roofing with C Golke Metals.

Contact us today to learn more about our metal roofing solutions and schedule your consultation.

Metal Roofing Color Selection

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers for Metal Roofing & Siding

How does metal roofing/siding compare to other materials in terms of cost?

While the initial cost of metal roofing and siding may be higher than some other materials, their long lifespan and low maintenance requirements make them a cost-effective investment in the long run. Additionally, metal’s energy efficiency can lead to savings on heating and cooling bills over time.

Is metal roofing/siding noisy during rain or hailstorms?

Modern building techniques and materials have greatly reduced the noise associated with metal roofing and siding during a rainstorm. Thanks to advancements in design and insulation, the sound of rainfall on metal surfaces is now barely noticeable indoors, creating a more peaceful and comfortable environment for occupants. This improvement in noise reduction underscores the effectiveness of contemporary construction methods in enhancing the overall experience of living or working in a structure with metal roofing and siding.

Can metal roofing/siding be installed over existing materials?

In many cases, metal roofing and siding can be installed over existing materials, reducing installation time and costs. However, it’s essential to assess the condition of the existing roof or siding along with local building codes ensure proper preparation before installation.

Are metal roofs/siding prone to rusting?

High-quality metal roofing and siding products are typically treated with protective coatings to prevent rust and corrosion. With proper maintenance, including periodic inspections and cleaning, rusting is minimal and can be effectively managed.

With today’s modern paint systems our suppliers offer a 35-40 year paint warranty

How do I choose the right metal roofing/siding for my property?

Our team at C Golke Metals will work closely with you to understand your specific needs, preferences, and budget. We offer a wide range of metal roofing and siding options and can provide expert recommendations to help you select the perfect solution for your property.

Metal Siding and Trim

Enhance Your Property with Style and Durability

Welcome to C Golke Metals, your trusted source for premium metal siding and trim solutions in Waupaca, WI, and surrounding areas. Transform the exterior of your property with our high-quality metal products, designed to combine exceptional durability with timeless elegance and versatility.

Protect & Enhance Your Property

The Benefits of Metal Siding

  • Unmatched Durability

    Metal siding and trim are built to last, offering superior resistance to the elements compared to traditional siding materials. Whether facing heavy rain, snow, hail, or intense sunlight, metal siding and trim maintain their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal for years to come.

  • Low Maintenance

    Say goodbye to the hassle of frequent painting, repairs, and upkeep with metal siding and trim. Our products are designed for minimal maintenance, requiring only occasional cleaning to keep them looking like new. Enjoy more time for what matters most without sacrificing the beauty and durability of your property's exterior.

  • Versatile Design Options

    From sleek and modern profiles to classic and rustic finishes, our metal siding and trim come in a wide range of styles, colors, and textures to suit any architectural vision. Whether you're updating a residential home, commercial building, or agricultural structure, there's a metal siding and trim solution to enhance its curb appeal and character.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Metal siding and trim offer excellent thermal performance, helping to improve the energy efficiency of your property. By reducing heat transfer and minimizing air leakage, metal siding and trim can contribute to lower heating and cooling costs, creating a more comfortable indoor environment and reducing your environmental footprint.

  • Customizable Solutions

    At C Golke Metals, we understand that every project is unique. That's why we offer customizable metal siding and trim solutions tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Whether you're looking for a bold accent or a seamless integration with existing architectural features, our team will work with you to bring your vision to life.

waupaca metal siding contractors C Golke Industries

Optional Sub Heading

Why Choose C Golke Metals for Your Metal Siding and Trim Needs?

At C Golke Metals, we’re dedicated to providing top-quality metal roofing solutions and exceptional customer service. When you choose us for your metal roofing project, you can expect:

  • Quality Materials

    We source our metal siding and trim from trusted manufacturers known for their commitment to quality and innovation. You can trust that our products are built to last and perform reliably in any environment.

  • Expert Installation

    Our skilled installation team has the experience and expertise to ensure that your metal siding and trim are installed correctly, efficiently, and with meticulous attention to detail. We take pride in delivering flawless results that enhance the beauty and functionality of your property.

  • Exceptional Service

    Your satisfaction is our top priority. From your initial consultation to the completion of your project, we strive to provide personalized service, clear communication, and a seamless experience every step of the way. We're here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and exceed your expectations.

Elevate the appearance and durability of your property with metal siding and trim from C Golke Metals. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and schedule your consultation. Let us help you create a lasting impression with metal siding and trim that combines style, strength, and sustainability.


Call us at 715.942.2157 or fill out the form below.

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